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If you’re concerned about the growing prevalence and consequences of unethical journalism, cancel culture, recreational outrage, and online mob justice, please click the orange button below to get our publication sent to your in your inbox, free.

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What does OmbudPost deliver?

OmbudPost was created out of necessity. Unethical journalism, cancel culture, recreational outrage, and online mob justice, have become new cultural norms in America and beyond; victims of these civic diseases are all around us but are rarely seen or heard from - why?

Think about it…

Where does a victim of unethical journalism go to get their story told if it was a storyteller in the press who victimized them in the first place? Nowhere. Until now.

Where do victims of cancel culture and unsubstantiated allegations turn when they are looking for solid, specific resources and advice when no one will talk to them because of the rumors that have been spread about them? Nowhere. Until now.

Where do victims of online mob justice and SJW vigilantes go to find support and connection? Nowhere. Until now.

For all of our subscribers, OmbudPost delivers:

Compelling Stories (two types)

  1. Original Stories written and published by OmbudPost.

  2. Curated Stories written by others and shared with you by OmbudPost in a blogging style format (sharing someone else’s story with OB’s thoughts to go along with it).

For our subscribers who are victims of one or more of the societal diseases OmbudPost is tackling, we deliver:

Resources + Advice

Community + Connection

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Holding media to account and delivering restorative justice to victims of unethical journalism, cancel culture, recreational outrage, and online mob justice.


Celebrated, Awarded, (and Vilified) Public Servant turned Political, Cultural, Media Commentator